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chris g

we are taking our young adults through the davinci deception experience by lutzer. good stuff, nice refresher for church history. I will be taking my high school students through strobels discussing the the davinci code. this is good for info and correction of browns obvious flaws.
check out my post on the davinci code form last month. you get my take on the whole thing.


Can I quote you on your personal thoughts about the book? I've had discussions with people about this book and an open-minded pastor's take on it might make some people think twice. I like the fact that you acknowledge the book is a good read, just not factual. Thanks.


I haven't read this one by Dan Brown, but I've read others. He loves a good conspiracy. The last book I read of his was Point Deception about a NASA lead conspiracy to increase fundage from the government. About a 3 on a scale of 1 to 5.

Here's a link to a blog post of mine last month:

Dan Brown has done some pretty lame stuff in the past but has finally found his nitch.


dude!! i just finished the book last thursday, and i started it last tuesday! lol. that book was amazing!!! =]. but like u said, it was a great FICTION novel. I also read this book called, "Secrets of the Code," which broke down the book and described the FACTS about the book. =]. i HIGHLY recommend it if u want a good suspense. and this is just coming from a kid! lol.


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